Swedish Research School in Architecture
Green Utopian Practices
14 January 2015
From the introduction of Green Utopianism:
"Utopian thought and experimental approaches to societal organization have been rare in the last decades of planning and politics. Instead, there is a widespread belief in ecological modernization, that sustainable societies can be created within the frame of the current global capitalist world order by taking small steps such as eco-labeling, urban densification, and recycling. However, in the context of the current crisis in which resource depletion, climate change, uneven development, and economic instability are seen as interlinked, this belief is increasingly being questioned and alternative developmental paths sought."
The PhD student research seminar on the anthology Green Utopianism (Routledge, 2014) and utopian practices, arranged by ResArc and NUS (Nätverket för utopiska studier), took place at Lund School of Architecture in january 2015. A presentation of Green Utopianism was followed by a panel discussion between Karin Bradley and Alf Hornborg.
In a workshop for PhD students, current PhD projects were presented and utopian thinking was discussed. The event gathered participants from several different subject areas, such as Architecture, Human Ecology, Human Geography, History, Sustainability Studies and History of Religions. Among the range of participants schools was Lund University, The Royal Institute of Technology, Uppsala University and Södertörn University.
For more info on Nätverket för utopiska studier, visit the networks Facebook page.