
Upcoming ResArc PhD course - Approaches in Theory and Research Methodology of Architecture

The doctoral course Approaches aims to introduce basic questions in theory and methodology as well as to develop the doctoral students’ understanding of the relationship between epistemology, ontology, and methodology. It focuses on activities of:

- Knowledge building on doing research
- Developing one's' own knowledge and skills through writing

This framework includes both practice-oriented research and well-established theories and methodological traditions (More info).

The course is held in four intense modules of two days each. At least two of them will be delivered in both physical and hybrid form, two modules will be given on Zoom.

Module 1 is held at UMA, December 4-6, 2024
Module 2 on Zoom, 28-29 January 2025
Module 3 on Zoom, March 10-11, 2025 (optionally at KTH in Stockholm)
Optional: writing training seminars in small groups, April 8-9, 2025
Module 4 at TU Delft, June 4-5, 2025

Course instructors Janina Gosseye (TU Delft), Ebba Högström (UMA), Meike Schalk (KTH), and Roemer van Toorn (UMA).

Deadline for applications: 1 November 2024.

Contact: Meike Schalk, meike.schalk@arch.kth.se

The course is a collaboration between the Architecture Schools of The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Umeå University (UMA), and TU Delft.


  Earlier activities

PhD defense

ResArc PhD student Alva Zalar, Department of Architecture and Built Environment and part of Agenda 2030 Graduate School, Lund University, will publicly defend her thesis with the titel Queer as a City: Unsettling coherence in *sustainable urban development*

Date: 20 September, 2024

Time: 13.00

Place: Lecture Hall A:C, Building A, Klas Anshelms väg 16, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund University, Lund

Faculty opponent Janina Gosseye, TU Delft

ResArc PhD course - Communications

Knowledge communication in architectural research, 7,5 credits

The course addresses knowledge communication both broadly and in-depth, including different forms of communication and communication with different audiences. This includes different media and formats – e.g., written communication, visual material, exhibitions – and how these work in relation to different contexts.

The course is hosted by KTH and will start on February 6, 2024It runs during the spring semester with recurring meetings every month, ending in August (More info).

For questions regarding course contents, structure, relevance for your studies, or if you can participate, please contact Daniel Koch (daniel.koch@arch.kth.se) or Johan Örn (orn@kth.se). For preliminary application and/or expression of interest, please contact Daniel Koch, and include information about your subject/field of research, university, and doctoral programme no later than January 20 2024.

PhD defense

ResArc PhD student Misagh Mottaghi, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH, will defend her thises with the titel Carescape of Blue-Green Solutions in Everyday Life, Exploring the Sociomateriality of a Landscape Technology.  

Oponent: docent Sofia Cele, Uppsala University.

Date: 10 November, 2023

Time: 13.00

Place: Lecture Hall A:B, Building A, Sölvegatan 24, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund University, Lund

PhD defense

ResArc PhD student Ana Goidea, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH, will defend her thises with the titel Transcalar Design: biological principles in architecture through computational design and additive fabrication.

Oponent: Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Architecture and Technology at Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen

Date: 2 November, 2023

Time: 09.15

Place: Skissernas Museum, Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, Finngatan 2, Lund

Final seminar

ResArc PhD student Misagh Mottaghi will discuss her thesis project with the working title Is Carescape of blue-green solutions in everyday life: Exploring the socio-materiality of a technical infrastructure.

The material is available upon request. Please contact Misagh via misagh.mottaghi@abm.lth.se

Time: 17 May 13:15 – 16:00

Place: room 4057, A-building, LTH, Sölvegatan 24, Lund

External reader: Meike Schalk from KTH

Internal reader: Gunnar Sandin

ResArc PhD - Philosophies 

Philosophies in Architecture

Drawing on current thinking and key sources in philosophy, this course addresses a world in flux, marked by unforeseen happenings and non-linear processes of transformation. Conditions of unknowability, uncertainty and indeterminacy have traditionally been neglected or even ignored within architecture, ostensibly posing a threat to the permanence and stability assumed by the discipline. The matter-of-factness and increasing urgency of these conditions, however, compel us to approach them creatively and to investigate the opportunities they hold for architectural theory and practice. (More info)


Module 1. 22-23 March 2023

Module 2. 19-21 April 2023

Module 3 17-19 May 2023

Deadline for final paper: 20th June 2023

The course is offered by The School of Architecture KTH, Stockholm in collaboration with ResArc: Swedish Research School in Architecture

The course is open for doctoral students in architecture or adjoining fields who have an
interest in architectural theory and the course’s theme. To be qualified for the course, students must have completed a masters’ degree in architecture or have an equivalent level of education.

Application deadline: 1 February 2023. 

Please send your application to to Catharina Gabrielsson cga@kth.se and mark the email F1A5051.

Final seminar

ResArc PhD student Ana Goidea, Department of Architecture and Build Environment, will discuss her thesis project.

Time: 4 May 2023 at 13.00

Place: room 4057, A-building, LTH, Sölvegatan 24, Lund

Please contact Ana for manuscript and link to the seminar .se.

Discussant:Paul Nicholas, Royal Danish Academy,Copenhagen

ResArc PhD course in the series of Tendencies  in Architectural and Urban Research

Situating Research: Approaches, Ethics, Collaborations, Writing

This course will address questions regarding how to position oneself as a researcher within an extended field; and approaches to writing. The course will have a strong focus on writing, combining taught seminars and writing workshops; and is relevant for PhD students in architecture, urban planning, landscape design, and other fields related to the built environment. The course is open to all doctoral students interested to take part in this course. (More info)


(Format: Mainly via Zoom with also some on-site components)

Module 1. 24-25 November 2022

Module 2. 15-16 December 2022

Module 3 19-20 January 2023

The course is coordinated by the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology as part of the Swedish Research School ResArc. 

Application deadline: 31 October 2022 

Please send your application to:

Professor Isabelle Doucet isabelle.doucet@chalmers.se (course coordinator)

Professor Monica Billger monica.billger@chalmers.se (Vice head of Dept. PhD Education).

PhD defense

ResArc PhD student Laleh Foroughanfar, Department of Architecture and Built Environment & Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies will defend her thises with the titel The Street of Associations: Migration and the Infrastructural (Re)production of Norra Grängesbergsgatan, Malmö abstract

External reviewer: Prof. Lancione, Michele, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy

Date: September 2,  2022

Time: 13.00

Place: Lecture Hall A:C, Building A, Sölvegatan 24, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund University, Lund.

PhD 50% seminar

ResArc PhD student Alva Zalar, Department of architecture and build environment, LTH and Agenda 2030 graduate school, Lund University, will discuss her thesis project at the seminar with the preliminary thesis title Supportive urbanism: A queer account on everyday life in ‘sustainable’ cities. Please contact Alva for the text alva.zalar@abm.lth.se


Time: 12 May at 13:15

Place: A-building, Sölvegatan 24, room 5012

Discussant: Helen Runting

ResArc PhD course: Approaching research practice in architecture

7.5 credits

Place: Zoom

Time: 5 modules, December 2021-June 2022, followed by an exhibition in autumn 2022, peer-review and publication of papers to appear April 2023

This doctoral course is a collaboration between KTH School of Architecture in Stockholm and the Department of Architecture at the Technical University Munich (TUM) with the BauHow5 consortium and the Swedish Research School ResArc.

The course gives a perspective on theoretical and methodological trajectories of practice-oriented research in architecture. It provides an overview of how theory and methods are addressed concerning forms of knowledge in architecture, with a focus on explorative, reflexive, and critical research methods rooted in the humanities, social sciences, and STS. Notions of different scientific traditions, paradigmatic shifts, and inter- and transdisciplinary research are presented and discussed in ways that are particularly useful for enrolled and emergent doctoral researchers pursuing practice-oriented research. (More info)

Exhibiting Architecture, or Architectural Exhibitionism - Form Design Center, Malmö, 28.08.21 – 07.11.21

(More info)

Dissertation: Regenerative Placemaking: Ecosociospatial Practices Beyond Conventional Sustainability

ResArc PhD student Sigrid ÖstlundDepartment of Architecture & Civil Engineering – Chalmers University of Technology, will publicly defend her thesis Regenerative Placemaking: Ecosociospatial Practices Beyond Conventional Sustainability (abstract)

Time: 26 November 2021, at 09.00

Place: SB-H1

90 % seminar

ResArc PhD student Laleh Foroughanfar, Department of Architecture and Built Environment & Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies will discuss her text The Street of Associations: Exploring Diasporic Everyday Urbanism in Norra Grängesbergsgatan, Malmö.

Discussant: Nishat Awan, Delft University 

Date: December 17, 2021

Time: 13:15

Place: Please note that the seminar will be on Zoom! 

Please contact laleh.foroughanfar@abm.lth.se for Zoom link and manuscript. 

Final seminar

ResArc PhD student Johan Wirdelöv, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp, will discuss his thesis project at the seminar with the preliminary thesis titleA game of vagueness: On local ethics in sharing urban everyday places.

Time: 24th January 2022 at 13-15. The seminar will be on Zoom. Please contact Johan for manuscript and link to the seminar johan.wirdelov@slu.se.

Discussant: Ass. Professor Meike Schalk, Urban design and theory, KTH School of Architecture, Stockholm.

Dissertation: Crowdability of Urban Space

ResArc PhD student Sahar Alrabadi, Architecture and Build Environment, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, will publicly defend her thesis Crowdability of Urban Space: Ordinary rhythms of clustering and declustering and their architectural prerequisites (abstract)

Time:  Friday 4 December 2020, at 13:15

Place: Lecture hall A:C, A-Building, LTH, Sölvegatan 24, Lund, Sweden

Online participation: LU Zoom meeting 

Faculty opponent: Daniel Normark, Uppsala University, Sweden

Supervisors at Lund University: Mattias Kärrholm, Gunnar Sandin and Emma Nilsson.

Department of Architecture and Built Environment. 

ResArc PhD course: Communications

Exhibiting Architecture, or Architectural Exhibitionism

Spring/Summer 2021

This doctoral course (7,5 credits) is concerned with the communication of architecture through exhibition. Exploring the architectural exhibition both as subject and method, this course will investigate means for scholars in architecture and related fields to correlate critical discourse with societal concerns, and to communicate such means both inside and outside their disciplines. Concerned about architectural exhibitionism, or how architecture has exhibited itself over time, this course argues that contemporary architecture is not only put on stage but is likewise (re)constructed and (re)defined through the very means of communication itself. Hence, to communicate architecture through exhibition is a contemporary act.

Modul 1. 26-29 April 2021

Modul 2. 9-10 June 2021

Modul 3. 1-2 September 2021 

The course will be coordinated and taught by Per-Johan Dahl (Lund University) & Whitney Moon (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).

Deadline for application 7 April, 2021. For more info (pdf). 

Start (Zoom)seminar

ResArc PhD student Alva Zalar, Department of architecture and build environment, LTH and Agenda 2030 graduate school, Lund University, will discuss her text with the workning title Making sense of sustainable urbanism: Understanding ‘sustainable’ urban development through spatial performativity and teenagers’ everyday lives.

Time: 11 February at 13.00

Supervisors: Mattias Kärrholm, Per-Johan Dahl and Sandra Kopljar

Discussant: PhD Ida Sandström

The seminar will be on Zoom. Please contact Alva for manuscript and link to the seminar alva.zalar@arkitektur.lth.se

ResArc PhD course: Philosophies

Philosophies in Architectural and Urban Research: Risk, (in)security, indeterminacy

The course (7,5 credits) addresses uncertainty as an overbearing condition of present-day societies – integral to the organisation of labour, the provision of housing, processes of urbanization, flows of migration, forms of valuation, financial speculations, democratic development and climatic tipping points – along with the subsequent efforts to safeguard, establish and control a territory.

Modul 1 (v. 50) 9-11/12
Modul 2.(v. 3) 20-22/1
Modul 3. (v.7) 17-19/2
Modul 4 (v. 12) 24-26/3

The course will be coordinated and taught by Catharina Gabrielsson, associate professor and docent, and Sebastiaan Loosen, post doc, both at The School of Architecture KTH.

Deadline for application is extended to 30 October 2020. Apply by sending a statement of interest to cga@kth.se

For more info: https://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/F1A5051?l=en (pdf)

Midway (Zoom) Seminar

ResArc PhD student Misagh Mottaghi, Dept. of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH, will discuss her research project with the working title Exploring socio-spatial environment of blue-green solutions in open urban spaces

Time: 8 Oct 2020 at 13.15–16.00

Place: Zoom

Main Supervisor: Mattias Kärrholm, Dept. of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH

Opponent: Gunilla Lindholm, Dept. of Landscape architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.

The material and the zoom link are available two weeks before the seminar and by request via email: misagh.mottaghi@arkitektur.lth.se


The PhD project is a compilation thesis and in her research, Misagh borrows and develops relational perspectives to explore how different aspects of BGS affect human interaction with the built environment in open public spaces. The research focuses on the socio-spatial effect of BGS and studies everyday life situations entangled with them.


Dissertation: The Ghost Boulevard

ResArc PhD student Bojan BoricArchitecture, Urban Design, KTH, will publicly defend his thesis The Ghost Boulevard (abstract)

Time: 6 March 2020 at 2 pm

Place: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm, (English)

Opponent: Reader Tahl Kaminer, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK

50 % Seminar

ResArc PhD student Laleh Foroughanfar will discuss her text at the seminar with the working title: City-making on the Margins: Translocal Placemaking among Migrants in Malmö, Sweden.

Time: 27 february 2020 at 13:15

Place: A Building/ LTH, room: TBA 

Opponent: Dr. Jennifer Mack, KTH, Stockholm

ResArc course: Tendencies - Acts of Memory/ Practice of Remebering and Forgetting

In this course we address memory as a theme of research, both from a theoretical and from a methodological perspective. The course is focused on exploring aspects of memory and acts of assembling and harvesting documents of collective experience. The content of the course is particularly devoted to photography as part of performing architectural research and as a practice of remembering and forgetting. For more information (pdf)

Module I: 27-28 January 2020

Module II: 2-3 March 2020

Application to the course due by 15 of November 2019. Apply by sending a statement of interest to resarc@arkitektur.lth.se. Final dates, schedule and pre-course assignment will be announced after deadline. 

Responsible and contact Sandra Kopljar, sandra.kopljar@arkitektur.lth.se and Emma Nilsson, emma.nilsson@arkitektur.lth.se

Final seminar

ResArc PhD student Muna Mohammad Alibrahim will discuss her draft PhD thesis:

Effects of art and design on users’ orientation in a hospital environment - A study of newcomers’ wayfinding in a Swedish hospital setting

Time: Friday 26th October, at 10:00.

Place: Room 5057, A-building

Reader: Anders Warell, Professor, Department of Design Sciences, LTH

Main Supervisor: Lars-Henrik Ståhl, Professor, Architecture and built environment, LTH

Co-Supervisors: Gunnar Sandin, Docent; Anna Petersson, Senior lecturer, Architecture and built environment, LTH

Dissertation: Building the City from the Inside

ResArc PhD student Hannes Frykholm, Architecture, Urban Design, KTH, will publicly defend his thesis Building the City from the Inside: Architecture and Urban Transformation in Los Angeles, Porto, and Las Vegas (abstract)

Time: 12 March 2020 at 2 pm

Place: F3, Lindstedsvägen 26, Stockholm, (English)

Opponent: Professor Albena Yaneva, University of Manchester, UK

Dissertation: Let’s Eat Together: Methods and Tools for Inclusive City Design Practice

ResArc student Chotima Ag-ukrikul will publicly defend her thesis Let’s Eat Together: Methods and Tools for Inclusive City Design Practice (abstract)

Time: 25 oktober 2019, at 09.00

Place: room SB-S393, Sven Hultins gata 6, Chalmers, Göteborg.

Opponent: Prof. Lars-Henrik Ståhl, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University

Final (Zoom)Seminar

ResArc PhD student Sahar Al-Rabadi, Department of Architecture and Build Environment, LTH, Lund university, will discuss her thesis project with the working title Crowdability of urban public space. Rhythms of clustering and declustering and their architectural prerequisites. 

Time: 24 June 2020 at 13:15-16.00

Place: Zoom

Discussant: Professor Lars Frers from The University of South-Eastern Norway

Supervisors: Mattias Kärrholm, Gunnar Sandin and Emma Nilsson 


Please contact Sahar on sahar.al-rabadi@arkitektur.lth.se for the text and link to the zoom seminar. 

Dissertation: Towards a Minor Urbanism: Thinking Community without Unity in Recent Makings of Public Space

ResArc student Ida Sandström will publicly defend her thesis Towards a Minor Urbanism: Thinking Community without Unity in Recent Makings of Public Space abstract

Tuesday 11 June, 2019, at 10.15 am, Fullskalelabbet, A-building, LTH, Sölvegatan 24 A, Lund

Opponent: Professor Panu Lehtovuori, Tempere University, Tammerfors

Supervisor: Professor Mattias Kärrholm

Co-supervisor: Dr. Lina Olsson, Malmö University & docent Gunnar Sandin

50 % Seminar

ResArc PhD student Johan Wirdelöv, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp, will discuss his thesis project at the seminar with the working title: Explorations in everyday sociomaterialities of urban public places.

Time: 9 June 2020 at 10:00

Discussant: Henriette Steiner, Associate Professor, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, University of Copenhagen.

Dissertation: User involvement in housing recovery – Cases from Haiyan affected areas in the Philippines

ResArc student Ivette Arroyo Baquero will publicly defence her thesis User involvement in housing recovery – Cases from Haiyan affected areas in the Philippines (abstract)

Thursday May 16, 2019 at 1.15 p.m

Lecture Hall A:B, A-Building, Sölvegatan

24, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund University. 

Opponent: Professor Camillo Boano, Development Planning Unit-University College London, United Kingdom.

Supervisor: Thorbjörn Laike

Co-supervisor: Johnny Åstrand

Start Seminar

ResArc PhD student Misagh Mottaghi will discuss her research on how blue-green urban stormwater techniques affect the quality of urban environments in relation to everyday life.

Time: June 17, 2019, at 1.15-3.00 p.m.

Place: Room 4057, A-huset, Sölvegatan 24 Lund, LTH

Reader: Prof. Mattias Kärrrholm

25 % Seminar

ResArc PhD student Sara Hyltén-Cavallius will discuss her research texts Care to Share and Caring Sunflowers in Dangerous Times

Time: 10 January 2019 between 13-15

Place: Room 4011, A-huset, Sölvegatan 24 Lund, LTH

Dissertation: Effects of Art and Design on Orientation in Healthcare Architecture – A study of wayfinding and wayshowing in a Swedish hospital setting

ResArc student Muna Alibrahim

will publicly defend her thesis Effects of Art and Design on Orientation in Healthcare Architecture – A study of wayfinding wayshowing in a Swedish hospital setting (abstract)

Thursday 25 April 2019, 13.15, A:B, A-building, LTH, Sölvegatan 24, Lund

Opponent: Professor Peter Fröst, Gothenburg

Main supervisor: Gunnar Sandin

Co-supervisor: Anna Petersson, Lars-Henrik Ståhl

Course: Communications - Staging the Message. The Architecture of Communication

The ResArc Communication course intends to offer participants in-depth theoretical and practical tools for communication and media production.

Module I: November 21-23 2018,

Module II: February 20-22 2019,

Module III: March 2019, 

For more information, course material, assignment, public lecturers, tours, and forum discussion see under Courses and the course description (pdf).

Application to the course due by 31st of October 2018. Apply by sending a statement of interest to resarc@arkitektur.lth.se.

Responsible and contact Meike Schalk (meike.schalk@arch.kth.se), Roemer van Toorn (roemer.vantoorn@arch.umu.se).

Dissertation: Influential Moments in City Planning Meetings: A Study of Decision Making Situations in a Jordanian Municipality

ResArc student Marwa Al Khalidi will publicly defend her thesis Influential Moments in City Planning Meetings: A Study of Decision Making Situations in a Jordanian Municipality

Abstract (pdf) 

Friday 12 October 2018, 13.15, A:C, A-huset, LTH, Sölvegatan 24, Lund

Opponent: Docent Jonathan Metzger, KTH, Stockholm

Main supervisor: Gunnar Sandin

Co-supervisor: Emma Nilsson, Catharina Sternudd and Marwa Dabaieh

Final seminar

ResArc PhD student Pawel Lech Szychalski will discuss his draft : PLATEAU GEHRY_CONNECTIVES

Time: Monday 26th November, at 13:15

Place: Room 5012, A-building, Sölvegatan 24, Lund, LTH

Reader: Hélène Frichot, Professor, KTH 

Main Supervisor: Lars-Henrik Ståhl, Professor, LTH

The seminar will be in English.

Start seminar

ResArc PhD student Johan Wirdelöv will discuss his draft Sociomateriality and urban everyday life: Studies of things, times and uses in public spaces of the Öresund region

Time: Monday 26th November, at 13:00-15:00

Place: Lilla sessionssalen, The Castle, Alnarp (Slottsvägen 5), SLU

Reader: Gunilla Lindholm, senior lecturer in landscape architecture Dep. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU

Main Supervisor: Lisa Diedrich, professor of landscape architecture Dep. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU

Please contact Johan Wirdelöv for an outline of the project, johan.wirdelov@slu.se


Dissertation: Interruption: Writing a Dissident Architecture

ResArc student Sepideh Karami will publicly defend her doctoral thesis Interruption: Writing a Dissident Architecture. Abstract (pdf)

Friday 20 April 2018, at 13.30 at A108 at KTH School of Architecture, Osquars Backe 5, Stockholm

Opponent: Professor Dorita Hannah, University of Tasmania and Aalto University

Main Supervisor: Associate Professor, docent Hélène Frichot

Co-supervisor: Professor Katja Grillner

Disseration: Rhythm architecture

ResArc student Paulina Prieto De La Fuente will publicly defend her doctoral thesis Rhythm architecture – on sequential aspects of materialities in urban space.

Friday 23 March, at 10 am at Fullskalelabbet, School of Architecture, A-huset, Sölvegatan 24, Lund.

Faculty opponent: Dr Isabelle Doucet, The University of Manchester, UK

Supervisor: Professor Mattias Kärrholm

Dissertation: Architectures of the Unbuilt Environment: An Anthology

ResArc student Helen Runting will publicly defend her doctoral thesis Architectures of the Unbuilt Environment: An Anthology  More info

Friday 18 May 2018, 14.00 - 16.30, Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, KTH 

Opponent: Dr. Douglas Spencer, Architectural Association London, UK

Main supervisor: Docent Hélène Frichot

Half time seminar

ResArc PhD student Sahar Al-Rabadi

Thursday January 25 at 13.15-16.00

LTH, Sölvegatan 24, Room 4011

Working title: Urban Design and the Crowdability of Space, a Socio-material Analysis of Clustering and Declustering Rhythms of Pedestrian Groups in Public Spaces

Invited reader: Ebba Högström, Senior lecturer, Blekinge Institute of Technology.

Supervisors: Mattias Kärrholm and Emma Nilsson

Dissertation: The Construction of Construction

ResArc PhD student Frida Rosenberg, Architecture with specialisation in Architectural Technology, KTH, will publicly defend her thesis The Construction of Construction: The Wenner-Gren Center and the possibility of steel building in postwar Sweden

Time: 21 September 2018 at 2 pm

Place: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26, KTH

Opponent: Associate Professor Timothy Hyde, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Dissertation: Wild Poethics:

Exploring relational and embodied practices in urban-making

ResArc student Anna Maria Orry from Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers, will publicly defend her doctoral thesis Wild Poethics: Exploring relational and embodied practices in urban-making. Abstract

Thursday 7 December, at 9.15 in SB-H5 salen (SB-building), Sven Hultins gata 6, Chalmers, Gothenburg.

Dissertation: Architecture’s Red Tape: Government Building Construction in Sweden, 1963-1973. The example of the National Board of Public Building, KBS (Kungl. Byggnadsstyrelsen)

ResArc student Erik Sigge will publicly defend his doctoral thesis Architectures's Red Tape Friday 22 September, at 2 pm at Kollegoesalen, Brienellvägen 8, KTH, Stockholm.

Faculty opponent: Professor Reinhold Martin, Columbia University, USA 

Supervisor: Associate professor Helena Mattsson

Making Effect Symposium and Exhibition

14–16 September 2017, at ArkDes, The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design and KTH School of Architecture. How does research in architecture relate to architectural practice, to politics, and to the larger societal context? Making Effect – Architecture + Research + Society will address this question in a three-day event and an exhibition, with the aim of concluding and making public five-years of research in architecture in Sweden. Making Effect is organised by Architecture in Effect, Architecture in the Making and ResArc, and produced in collaboration with ArkDes and Design and KTH School of Architecture. More info (link)

Dissertation: Utopology – A Re-Interrogation of the Utopian in Architecture

ResArc student Fredrik Torisson will publicly defend his doctoral thesis Utopology – A Re-Interrogation of the Utopian in Architecture


Friday June 2, at 13:15. at the Skissernas Museum/Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, Finngatan 2, 223 62 Lund.

Faculty Opponent: Director Mark Cousins, The AA School of Architecture, London

Supervisor: Professor Lars-Henrik Ståhl, LTH, Lund University, Lund

Assistant Supervisor: PhD Catharina Sternudd, LTH, Lund University, Lund

Dissertation: Att göra en klassiker

ResArc student Anna Wahlöö will publicly defend her doctoral thesis Att göra en klassiker: En studie av fenomenet moderna möbelklassiker i en samtida svensk kontext Abstract

17 March 2017 10.15 at room A:B, A-huset, Sölvegatan 24, Lund.

Opponent appointed by the faculty is Professor Christina Zetterlund, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm

Dissertation: Mixed Substrate Computation

Public defense of the doctoral thesis Mixed Substrate Computation - Sensor Based Artificial Cognition for Architectural Design and Modification by ResArc student Stig Anton Nielsen.

27 January, 2017, 13:00 at Eko lecture hall, 1st floor, Chalmers Architecture, Eklandagatan 86, Gothenburg.

Supervisor: Monica Billger, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology

Examiner: Fredrik Nilsson, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology

Opponent: Phil Ayres, Associate Professor, CITA, Centre for Information Technology and Architecture, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark

More info and abstract at Chalmers Architecture.

Dissertation: How to think about a place not yet

Public defense of the doctoral thesis How to think about a place not yet - Studies of Affordance and Site-Based Methods for the Exploration of Design Professionals' Expectations in Urban Development Processes by Sandra Kopljar will take place at 13.15, Monday, December 19, 2016..

Opponent appointed by the Faculty is Dr Lina Olsson, Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University.

The dissertation is held in Fullskalelabbet, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, A-building, Sölvegatan 24, Lund.


Upcoming PhD course -

Architectural humanities: theory, history, and critical studies at KTH,

School of Architecture

Starting 10-11 December, 2024. 

Apply by 1 October, 2024. (More info)

Upcoming PhD course -

Innovation and Value Creation in Research at 

Department of Design Sciences, Lund University.

Starting 17 October, 2024

Apply by October 1, 2024. (More info)

Call for abstracts for upcoming conference,

5-7 September, Färgfabriken, Stockholm -

Learnings / Unlearnings: Environmental Pedagogies, Play, Policies, and Spatial Design Conference.  

Deadline for abstracts: May 15, 2024. (More info)

Agenda 2030 PhD course at Lund University: Existential Sustainability: Expanding the Discourse on Sustainability. Open for PhD students from all faculties. Deadline for registration: 8 September 2023. (More info)

Thinkers for Architecture. Call for Participants. Research Workshop on work of Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Bruno Latour, Manchester, April 24-27, 2023. We particularly welcome applications from PhD candidates in the history and theory of architecture, urbanism, and urban planning, as well as other academics or design practitioners with expertise in the relevant areas. Application deadline: 9 December 2022. (More info).

Call for papers. The Nordic Association of Architectural Research and the Royal Danish Academy –Architecture, Design, Conservation, Copenhagen

invite PhD researches to The NAAR/NAF Symposium 2023 with the team Nordic PhD Research in Architecture

with focus on Creation of New Knowledge and Dialogues inside and between Disciplines. Abstract deadline: 12 December 2022. (More info).

Online PhD course Gender and Sustainability arranged by KTH and Linköping University with start in November. Deadline for application 25th of September 2022. (More info).

PhD course Foresight & Futuring in Design Research,

Copenhagen Campus at Aalborg University, 29 - 30 August 2022. Deadline 1 August 2022.(More info).

The Institute of Urban History in Stockholm invites PhD students from different disciplines to participate an international urban history conference during two days in November/December 2022. The theme is history of cities and places in a broad perspective. The conference is free of charge and addresses PhD students from; history, ethnology, cultural geography, environmental science, sociology, political science, architecture and art history.

Please contact mats.berglund@historia.su.se for further information and if you are interested to join the conference.  

PhD course on research methods: Developing Your Methodological Toolbox – Qualitative Research Methods Across Design, Social Sciences and the Humanities. Deadline for registration is 1 March 2022. (More info).

PhD course Theories in Urban Morphologies at KTH, Stockholm, with start in February 2022. Deadline for application 3 February. (More info). 

Online PhD course

Gender and Sustainability: Introducing Feminist Environmental Humanities with start in February 2022. Deadline for application 13th of January 2022. (More info)

PhD course ‘Research Design’ (3.0 HEC) at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE) at Chalmers. Deadline for application is 23 September 2021. Apply here. In the application please, briefly describe your research area and the methods you use. (More info). 

PhD course Landscape Theory, SLU, 15.0 HEC. Start 2 November (More info)

Diversity on Architecture weducation - how to deal with the lack of it. ZoomSymposium, School of Architecture, Lund, 13 September 2021 (More info).  

PhD workshop - Approaching Research Practice in Architecture. Five Questions (online) 13-14 October 2021. Call for abstracts, deadline 15 September. (More info).

PhD Conference on Sustainable Development

Lund University, 30 September to 1 October 2021.(More info) .

PhD courses in October/November 2021:

Criticality in Research/Criticality as Praxis:
Knowledge tools for designing urban futures . Apply before 2 July 2021 (More info).

Landscape, Architecture and Gender. Apply before 13 July 2021 (More info) .

PhD Class on Research Methodology of the Everyday within the BauHow5 and ResArc research school network. Organised by TUM Architecture 2 March 2021. Registration until 1st March. (More info)

Architectural Training and Research in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy, 1950s-1980s. Two-day symposium, KTH School of Architecture, Stockholm, 9-10 September 2021.
CALL FOR PAPERS / Submission deadline: 1 April 2021. (More info)

PhD student Vasily Sitnikov will defend his thesis Ice Formwork on the 3rd of December, 14.00 (More info).

PhD course Gender & Sustainability: Introducing Feminist Environmental Humanities at KTH starting November 30. (More info pdf)

Online conference - PhD by Design - hosted by the University of Liechtenstein, Institute of Architecture and Planning - 17 September 2020 (More info pdf).

PhD Conference - Approaching Research Practice in Architecture. Five Questions (Zoom) 8-9 October 2020. Call for abstracts. (More info and poster pdf)


Landscape, Architecture and Gender at the University of Copenhagen. Apply before 24 Aug 2020. (More info pdf)


Criticality in Research/Criticality as Praxis: Knowledge tools for designing
urban futures at SLU, Alnarp. Apply before June 15 2020. (More info (pdf).

PhD course Theory of science and research methods in art, technology and design at KTH

Jan–June 2020. Apply before Jan 31st. (More info (pdf).

International Summer School in Ethnography - Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento, Italy, 9-13 September 2019. Apply before May 20. More info (pdf).

Summer PhD course at Malmö University. Space, politics and aesthetics, a close reading and seminar-based course with start in June 2019. Apply before 23 of April. More info (pdf).

Open lecture/seminar Crafting History: Archiving and the Quest for Architectural Legacy with professor Albena Yaneva Thursday 13 September at 09.15-11.00, 2018, in room A:5012 (A-huset / LTH / Lund).

Albena Yaneva is Professor of Architectural Theory at University of Manchester and is currently holder of Lise Meitner chair at LTH, LU. As a researcher she is primarily known for her ethnographic methods in the studies of architecture, including on-site observation, interviews with decisive agents, and long-term studies of architectural projects and how media covers them.

PhD course at Malmö University in Urban Studies with start in October 2018. Apply before 15 September. More info (pdf).

Transdisciplinary PhD course 25-28 September 2018 organized by the research platform SLU Urban Futures, in collaboration with UPC Polytechnic University of Catalonia. More info (pdf)

PhD course at KTH. Decision Theory & Decision Analysis, Dec 2017-May 2018. The course provides an introduction to decision analysis as it is currently practiced within the critical social sciences. More info (pdf)

Making Effect Symposium and Exhibition 14-16 September 2017:  More info (link)

Urban Futures Öppna Forskarskola - PhD Courses 2017 & 2018. Co-producing knowledge in transdisciplinary research – From practice to theory. More info (link)

5th International Summer School in Ethnography - Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento - September 10-15 2017. The Summer School builds on the collaborative working environment established in the previous editions. The School’s core mission is to provide participants with an inside view on the practice and the skills of ethnography. More info (pdf)

From May 22-26, 2017 the Department of Architecture, “Federico II” University of Napoli offers a PhD workshop on Assemblage Methodology, RE—CONNECTING THE MATERIAL CITY: Representing urban architecture for what it does. The aim of the workshop is to experiment with alternative modes of representing the built environment inspired by the idea of buildings as ‘indeterminate and contestable’ objects. More info (pdf).

PhD course: Ethnography of Space and Place. This course sketches some of the methodological and theoretical implications of the ethnographic study of the contemporary city using anthropological tools of participant observation, field notes, behavioral mapping, and theories of space and place to illuminate spaces in modern/post-modern cities and their transformations. More info (pdf).

PhD course: Exploring Fieldwork - A critical consideration of empirical methods and

habits-of-mind in design research. The course addresses the ‘field’ or site of ‘method’ in design-led research. Broadly, we are interested in exploring the back-and-forth interaction of research intentions and practices as these shape research outcomes. Registration date: Februari 15, 2017 More info (pdf).

Five PhD positions announced through The European Joint Doctorate Programme urbanHIST. Research fields: "Historiography of European urbanism", "Urbanism, political and development strategies" and "Urbanism, architecture and building of national identity". More info at urbanHIST.

Who defines the city's identity? Which stories are considered essential, and what makes them so? The conference Creating the city: Identity, memory and participation is organized by the Institute for Studies in Malmö's history, 9-10 February 2017. More info at MAH.

Eschewing the slick, the finished and the true in favour of the tangential, the speculative and the fuzzy, LO-RES publishes essays on architecture that resonate at lower resolutions.


The abstract collection Facts and Fictions (pdf), published at the 10th Annual AHRA Research Student Symposium, is dedicated to a critical and constructive discussion on trans-disciplinary approaches to the fictive-factual duality of architecture.

The abstract collection Co-laborations - Sharing authorship and space in architectural and urban research (pdf) addresses the motivations and mechanisms of co-creation, co-making and co-writing, and how they form part of participatory practices.
